Everything you need to know to take eye catching photos photos for your shop
Photos are the heartbeat of Cress and they’re what will get people clicking onto your shop instead of someone else’s. Using flat lays and close-ups, you can instantly attract customers and increase sales.
Our most highly recommended style of photography is the flat lay. This allows you to make the item the focal point of your listing giving buyers a clear view of its quality and details. We do not allow modelled photos of children on Cress.
Insert flatlay example here
A picture speaks a thousand words
A great blend of imagery is always the best recipe. We advise taking different types of photos to really show the item off including any tags or flaws it may have. Taking up to four photos instead of one can increase your chances of selling by 20%. It’ll create a clear idea of the item to potential buyers, meaning that you’ll get fewer messages asking extra questions about the product.
The first photo is the hero
Make sure your first photo is the neatest and features the whole item and that it is on a plain background. Save the close-ups for your remaining pics. Don’t choose an image with hangers for the first pic. If the item is shoes, don’t include the shoebox in this one.
Flat lay top tips
Backgrounds – There are only a couple of components to shooting a quality flat lay and the background is super important. We recommend solid colour backgrounds, ideally white. Consider what will make the item pop and attract the attention of the buyer. Avoid dark colored backgrounds.
Cress Top-tip – Head over to your local craft shop such as The Range or Hobbycraft and pick up an A1 piece of cardstock or paper, these are super cheap and if you keep the rolled up you can reuse them over and over again.
Setting Your Item – When setting up your flat lay, item placement is key, imagine that you’re setting up a perfect piece of art. Ensure that your product is fully visible in at least one photo, especially your first photo. The item should also be wrinkle-free and laid neatly on the backdrop.
Cress Top-tip – Consider steaming or ironing your items prior to shooting to ensure the item is crisp and clean to make it appealing to potential customers, would you buy something wrinkled and scruffy?
Lighting – Now that your item is neatly placed on your background, we need to make sure it’s beautifully lit. Lighting is everything in photography and this is no different with flat lays. Place your items in indirect natural light to show off the product and avoid shadows. Try to choose a room in your house that gets plenty of sunlight.
Cress Top-tip – Want to take your product shots to the next level. Try investing in inexpensive soft boxes for an at-home product setup that you can use year round.
Our most successful sellers have a consistent look and feel to their shop. This makes their shop stand out . You can achieve a regular shop aesthetic by using repeated elements in your shop such as the same background or lighting.
- Experiment. Find what works for you and get inspired. Whatever approach you take for your photography, stay consistent. The most successful shops create a consistent look and feel throughout their listings.
- For flat lays, use a solid coloured background, ensure your item is neat and wrinkle-free, and ensure your product is fully visible in your first photo at least..
You might find that you don’t need to purchase any extra equipment – lots of people get by just fine using the camera on their phone and can take great pics that way. But if you’re interested in upping your game, you can look into investing in some different equipment:
- Lighting: Consider investing in soft box lights or a ring light.
- Backdrops: Experiment with cardstock, a poster board, or solid colour sheet for your backdrop.